31 days
to walking
in your
In one month’s time, you will not be the same. Transformation happens a day at a time but the steps to growth start with saying YES to your Divine Destiny. This daily devotional will inspire you with stories of life and love, faith and finances, and how ordinary saints just like you achieved the extraordinary to serve God’s purposes in their generation. What God did with and through them, He will do with you. TODAY God wants to help you walk into your Divine Destiny!

It's time to
live inspired!
The time is NOW to walk in your DIVINE DESTINY! You are about to experience inspiring stories of everyday people who discovered their Jesus Calling, their spiritual strengths, and experience miracles in everyday life. You will hear how one woman turned a death sentence from a doctor into divine healing, how another turned barrenness into fruitfulness, and how God led another to find a husband. You will read how a mission to help others in crisis turned an act of obedience into a million-dollar return and how one man received a sure Word from God that launched him into a new career and calling. What God did for these saints, He can do for you. What are you waiting for God to do in your life?

You will learn how to turn your drive time into worship time, receive God winks and whispers, and how to tune your ear to hearing God’s voice. If you’ve ever desired to develop courage like Joshua, walk in your high calling like the Apostle Paul, or inquire of the Lord like David, you’ve found the right book. Divine Destiny will bring scripture to life in everyday situations so you can live supernaturally in today’s modern world. How would your life be different if you could walk daily in the garden with God as Adam did? You can!

Have you tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the age to come?
What if you could read in just a few minutes a day what it took others a lifetime to learn? This daily devotional is packed with dozens of divine strategies to grow your faith, thrive in ministry, run successful businesses, fend off enemy attacks, raise families, overcome fear, and more. What God does for the saints in ancient times and in our generation, He can do for you. Divine Destiny is a Spiritual GPS to help you walk in God’s best for your life. Filled with divine guidance, an exciting journey of intimacy awaits you as you journey with Jesus toward your Divine Destiny.
With this 31-day devotional, you will learn to:
STAND strong in your faith like Daniel.
UNLOCK fruitfulness and favor like Joseph.
RECEIVE a fresh anointing for your assignment.
WALK in Christlike confidence God created you to.
FIND and FULFILL your High Calling like the Apostle Paul.
BECOME a divine messenger like Abigail and Mordecai.
DEVELOP your natural giftings into Spiritual Superpowers.

You have a role to play in eternity! It’s time to get started. Like Nehemiah, who fulfilled his destiny to build the wall, you too will become a key participant in these last days. What is required of you? Learning to walk in the Divine Destiny God prepared for you before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10). This daily devotional will change how you read the Bible, see yourself, how you relate to others, and most importantly, to God. After 31 days of experiencing God in a new way, you will find, follow, and fulfill God’s purpose for your life. Let’s get started.

Your destiny is already part of God’s story line in eternity, have you discovered it? Hearing God Stories is how God inspires, transfers, and assigns you the role you are to play in eternity. The Spirit of God stirs within you as you read other people testimonies. As He stirs you, He will open up a new story line to launch you into the larger story for your life. Your destiny is to join the saints throughout the generation to praise and proclaim the wonders and works of God. What wonders and works of God He has purposed to be magnified through your life? My hope for you, the reader, is that a divine transfer will take place and that God will impart to you His inspired vision for the next season of your life. It is in this impartation that you will be inspired to become all God destined you to be.

“God has chosen journaling to clarify through
the pen what the Spirit has spoken.”
~Scott Hogle

Questions are important to Jesus. When you ask him a question, your heart goes into a listening posture. In the Gospels, Jesus asked over 300 questions. Throughout the Old Testament, some of the most important conversations started with God asking questions. God asked Solomon, “What would you like me to do for you?” God asked Hager, “Where have you come from, where are you going?” To Elijah God asked, “What are you doing here?” God will ask you question’s and He likes it when you ask Him questions. Questions open the door to having a divine conversation. His desire is for a dialogue, not a monologue. Questions create conversations that lead to greater intimacy.
Where the vision and make it plain on tablets,
that they may run who read it."
- Habakkuk 2:2

Write what you hear, perceive, or see!
The following questions were written to help you discover your destiny for TODAY. None of us are promised tomorrow, but you can experience a perfect day by living in pursuit of God’s Will. As you enter into devotional time with the Lord, He may lead you to develop new questions to help you draw nearer to Him. One word of advice on how to receive from God when asking questions while in prayer: When you ask, listen intuitively for answers. What that means is that as you ask God a question, whatever you hear, perceive, or see in response, be sure to write it down. God may give you a picture, an idea, or bring a memory to mind. God’s answer may not make sense in the moment but may be for an appointed time. Here are some questions to help you discover your destiny for today. Please personalize them or put them in the first person as the Lord leads you.

is God leading me to connect with today?
is God prompting me to do?
do I need to go to walk out today’s assignment?
is God‘s perfect timing?
might God be leading me in this direction?