​You were meant for more than just getting by. Reinvent, recharge,
and rediscover a path toward realizing your potential.
Have you ever experienced for yourself,
or witnessed the following challenges within a salesforce?
Scarcity in the pipelines due to lack of new customer acquisition.
Excuse after excuse for poor performance.
High sales activity but low productivity?
Attitudes that sabotage morale.
​At one point, every seller, sales manager, and salesforce will face performance challenges fueled by both visible and invisible forces. The key to success is knowing how to identify the forces that cause performance to soar or sink, and then turning them to work to your advantage. It’s one thing to get motivated - it’s another to stay motivated. At some point, every seller finds themself selling on empty, struggling to replenish their pipeline, or seeking a way out of a slump whether caused by bad habits or personal crisis. What is at the center of all selling struggles? It could be skill, knowledge, awareness, or just separating the controllable from the uncontrollable and knowing how to navigate both.
Nothing frustrates high performers more than carrying unnecessary weights or not knowing how to unstick when stuck. In Get Motivated – LIVE Inspired, you will learn to unlock the secrets that create the sustainable energy and motivation that fuels consistent performance. You will be impacted with mental technologies to help you refuel on the go, uncork the hidden well-spring of motivation within, and discover practical, easily executable strategies you can implement immediately. Every salesperson at some point needs to reinvent, recharge, and recommit to unleashing the achiever within. Get Motivated – LIVE Inspired will get you back on track to explosive growth.

“When Scott speaks, he speaks from the heart and that is what connects with audiences.”
Chris Widener, Best Selling Author & Motivational Speaker

“Scott is a phenomenal example on how to work smarter and more efficiently. He prepares those around him to move the needle forward in their business and to win big.”
Jessica Reed, Account Executive, iHeart Media
Develop a purpose driven mindset to fuel your motivation.
Six secrets to turn things around when you find yourself selling on empty.
Eight ways to judge good vs. bad relationships – know when to cut your losses.
Create systems for success: Priority vs Time Management, Prospecting, & more.
Overcome the F.E.A.R. of rejection and call reluctance to become a Cold Calling Mogul.

driven to results
“The Purpose Driven Mindset precepts are so rich in wisdom and inspiration that I am compelled to begin to pursue even greater goals of sales growth and income. You motivate me.”
Gary Goslin, Network Marketing Expert, Karatbars

‘The SalesMaker invests in high-producing relationships, and must identify with whom they fit and with whom they don’t. They aren’t right for everyone, and everyone isn’t right for them.’ “I will teach my team who to say ‘no’ to.”
Steve K. Sombrero, Broker/President, NAI Chaney Brooks

“In this age of ‘information experts’ you set yourself above the rest by speaking with purpose and clarity, making the information not only pertinent in the sales environment, but relatable to life experiences in general.”
Gary L. Hall, Major USMC (Ret)